Effective as of 05/17/2021
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on Confidence in the Digital Economy (known as L.C.E.N.), the following legal notices are brought to the attention of Users of the website www.induserv-europe.com. By connecting to and browsing the Induserv website, the User fully and unreservedly accepts these legal notices. They are accessible on the website under the “Legal Notices” section.
ARTICLE 1: The Publisher
The website www.induserv-europe.com is published by SAS INDUSERV, a company with a share capital of €10,000, registered with the Gometz la Ville Trade and Companies Register under number 899 738 876. Its registered office is located at 48 Rue de Mauregard, 91400 Gometz la Ville, France.
Phone: +33 7 79 16 69 13
Email: y.elouafi@induserv-europe.com
EU VAT number: FR65899738876
The Publication Director is Youssef EL OUAFI.
ARTICLE 2: The Hosting Provider
The hosting provider for the website www.induserv-europe.com is SAS, whose headquarters are located at 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.
Phone: 1007
ARTICLE 3: Access to the Website
The website is accessible from any location, 24/7, except in cases of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruptions, or those arising from maintenance needs.
In case of modification, interruption, or suspension of services, the website www.induserv-europe.com cannot be held liable.
ARTICLE 4: Data Collection
The website ensures the collection and processing of personal information in compliance with privacy regulations, in accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to Information Technology, Files, and Civil Liberties. Under the provisions of this law, the User has the right to access, correct, delete, and oppose the processing of their personal data. The User may exercise this right: By postal mail to 48 Rue de Mauregard, 91400 Gometz la Ville, France.
ARTICLE 5: Cookies
The User is informed that a cookie may automatically be installed on their browser software during visits to the website.
By browsing the website, the User accepts the use of cookies.A cookie does not allow the User to be identified but serves to record information related to their browsing activity on the website. The User can disable cookies through the settings of their browser software.
ARTICLE 6: Intellectual Property
Any use, reproduction, distribution, commercialization, or modification of all or part of the website www.induserv-europe.com, without authorization from the Publisher, is prohibited and may lead to legal action and prosecution, as provided for in the Intellectual Property Code and the Civil Code.